Early indicators of our success
Workstream 1 : Early intervention and prevention
- Undertaking the groundwork to build a collaborative approach across partner agencies. This involved consulting with key stakeholders from services to share the plan and hear views. This exercise was well received and contributed to shaping the project and set out a clear commitment to co-production.
- Building a mature, transparent and collegiate understanding of why the system to support children’s emotional health and wellbeing is not working effectively now and why this project is needed.
- Steering Group with attendance from senior leaders across the partnership including all local authorities, the Health Board and the Community and Voluntary sector.
- Establishing the right level of leadership on the Steering Group, with the right mind set.
- Gaining commitment to adopting one coherent approach across organisations to help support children, young people and families improve their emotional health, wellbeing and resilience across the partnership.
- Exploring collaborative opportunities such as Together for Children and Young People (2) (T4CYP2). The principles of the Early Help and Enhanced Support NEST framework compliments this workstream.
Workstream 2 : Edge of care interventions
- Detailed research and development to inform the choice of models of care.
- Detailed operational plans drawn up by each area to outline service model including staffing requirements and cost breakdown.
- An intense period of partnership working to develop mutual understanding, a shared vision and a common language as the basis for establishing new ways of working that will facilitate system change and assure families of the best possible support to enable behaviour changes and improved outcomes.
- Implementation of new services delivered by multi-disciplinary teams; this includes a Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) model of service in one of the sub regional areas which is up and running, the first to embed MST in Wales.
Workstream 3 : Effective Child Protection
- Creation of a bespoke practice mentor role to deliver individual and group mentoring to staff.
- Development and delivery of new models for individual and group mentoring interventions to staff, and their evaluation.
- Establishment of two websites, for Effective Child Protection and the Gwynedd Risk Model, and intranet site for staff.
- Delivery of multi-agency briefing events.
- Reconfiguration of individual and group mentoring into virtual platform.