Tuesday 15th March, 2022, sees the newly formed Regional Partnership Board Children’s Sub Group launched virtually via Zoom.
The new North Wales Regional Partnership Board Children’s Subgroup will look specifically at matters that relate to children, young people and their families.
To coincide with the launch of the Regional Partnership Board Children’s Sub Group, we will take time to reflect and celebrate the work of the Children and Young People Transformation Programme which has focused on early intervention and prevention. Three key parts to the programme are :
- A multi-agency drive to improve the emotional health, wellbeing and resilience of children and young people through joined early intervention and prevention;
- To research and develop evidence-based ‘rapid response’ (crisis outreach) interventions for children and families on the edge of care;
- To develop short term residential services.
We are delighted that we will be joined by Sally Holland, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales who will highlight the need for transformation in the way services work together to support children and young people.
The North Wales ‘No Wrong Door’ strategy has been an excellent example of co-production with children and families across the region with ‘lived in’ experience, service users, from different backgrounds to provide their voices and thoughts towards the development of the Strategy.
“No Wrong Door” report concluded how children and families who sought support for a range of needs often find that they have to navigate a very complex system, may fall through gaps where there are no services to meet their needs, or be on a waiting list for a long time only to be told that they were waiting in the wrong queue, or have been knocking on the ‘wrong door’ all along. The North Wales Regional Partnership Board “No Wrong Door” Strategy has been created and developed with this report in mind with the concept of early intervention and prevention firmly embedded as a new way of working.
From the outset, children and families from across North Wales have been placed at the heart of new procedure and given a voice in what happens to them. The strategy highlights how agencies can best work together to respond to the full spectrum of needs of children and young people. It identifies opportunities for future development of services drawing on models of good practice in Wales and beyond.
If you know of someone who would welcome the opportunity to attend the virtual evening launch on Tuesday 15th March 2022, or just wants to talk to someone, please contact:

If you would like to contribute to the ongoing work undertaken by taking part in engagement as either a stakeholder, individual etc, please contact