National (Integrated Health and Social Care) Commissioning Board
There is commissioning guidance available on the National Commissioning Board’s website
A Whole New World: Funding and Commissioning in Complexity
Public Services Boards
Mantell Gwynedd have produced a resource, How to Unlock the Potential of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)
In November 2017 WCVA were funded, through Delivering Transformation Fund, to research opportunities and barriers for Social Value Fora in Wales; their final report was produced in April 2018
The journey following some of the models are available as case studies.
WCVA have produced a Social Value policy for charitable organisations. WCVA is an Inspiring Impact partner in Wales. Inspiring Impact is a UK-wide programme run by NPC, and funded by the Big Lottery, aims to help organisations improve monitoring, evaluation and evidence building. They offer a wealth of useful resources and tools, including Measuring Up! an online assessment tool that helps you to check how you are doing on measuring your impact.
Co-production Network Wales (CNW)
Co-production Network Wales (CNW) is an Inspiring Impact Champion. CNW may have financial resources to support local forum developments and may be able to support with evidencing good practice. Local authority leads are encouraged to sign up as Coproduction Network Wales members in order to access learning formation and resources and support.
The Wales Co-operative Centre
The Wales Co-operative Centre have a good practice toolkit for Social Value Forums which also has information on case studies, resources, ‘scene setting’ and research findings. The Social Business Wales website provides information for those starting up or operating a social business.
Social Care Wales
Social Care Wales in partnership with Wales School for Social Care Research held a workshop ‘Small in Beautiful and Wise’ in Holywell on 26 September 2018 which focused on identifying support / solutions for small community based organisations in completing with big third sector organisations who are more resourced to respond to tenders and metrics driven approaches to monitoring and performance.
How do we identify who the cooperatives, user-led organisations, social enterprises, third sector organisations are in a local area?
Dewis Cymru is the place for information about well-being in Wales which also includes community organisations. Social enterprise UK have a membership group to assist in the growth of the social enterprise network.
What works wellbeing
This ‘what works centre’ is a network of researchers, think tanks, businesses, government departments and non-profit organisations to provide evidence, guidance and discussion papers on a range of issues including measuring community well-being. They have a range of evidence, resources and blogs, including Outcomes Stars: A tool for measuring wellbeing, developed by Triangle (a social enterprise organisation).
Mantell Gwynedd
Mantell Gwynedd (CVC) are leading a Social Value Cymru ‘Measure and Manage your Social Value’ project, working in partnership with the six CVCs across North Wales. Contact: Eleri Lloyd.