On behalf of the North Wales Learning Disability Partnership Group, we are delighted to share with you the North Wales Supported Employment Strategy for people with Learning Disabilities (2024 to 2029). At the heart of the strategy is the voice of people with learning disabilities and the step change they told is needed to enable more people to have equal access to paid employment.
The strategy aims to empower individuals with learning disabilities by promoting their access to paid employment while respecting their choices and fostering inclusive communities. It underscores the potential for personal growth and improved health and wellbeing when individuals with learning disabilities are gainfully employed which in turn may reduce their need for local authority funded services.
The primary way the strategy will be implemented across North Wales is by integrating the North Wales Supported Employment Model within learning disability social work services in partnership with specialist supported employment services following the BASE UK Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF) model fidelity standards.
We are pleased to confirm that the North Wales Together Learning Disability Transformation Programme has been awarded a three-year grant from the North Wales Regional Integration Fund to roll the model out across the region. The model goes live on the 1st of July 2024 and will be independently evaluated by The University of Strathclyde.
For more information please contact:
Kim Killow kim.killow@flintshire.gov.uk
North Wales Supported Employment Strategy for people with Learning Disabilities (2024 to 2029)