Managers’ Survey
Health and social care services are increasingly moving online, and our staff are being called upon to use more and more digital technology as part of their everyday working lives.
The North Wales Regional Partnership Board in interested to understand the requirements for as well as access to digital technology, amongst people working within the health and social care sector, including those people working for independent providers of domiciliary, residential and nursing care, and supported living.
This information is important to us, as it will help to shape the support we give across the sector, and what plans need to be put in place to ensure that our workforce feel happy and able to use digital technology in their working lives.
We would be grateful if you could take the time to answer this short survey in order to help us better understand the extent to which digital technology is being used, the barriers faced, and the level and type of support required moving forward, from the perspective of someone with a management position. A similar questionnaire has also been developed, and is being shared with operational staff.
Please note, that the information you provide in this questionnaire is strictly confidential. The results will be shared with partners of the North Wales Regional Partnership. Any information pertaining to an individual, or Provider will be anonymised.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
For paper copies, please contact : 01824 712536 / 01824 712432