CareHomes.Wales is a new website where you’ll find information about every adult care home in Wales.

CareHomes.Wales uses information from the care sector regulator, Care Inspectorate Wales, plus information provided directly by care home providers to help you find a care home that will meet your needs.
If you are looking for a care home on the CareHomes.Wales website you can:
- Search for care homes in your area
- Look for care homes that offer nursing, learning disabilities, mental health, respite care or day services
- Find care homes that deliver their service in Welsh or other languages
- Search for a care home that has the facilities and services you need
- See what facilities and services a care home has to offer
- Understand if a care home has current vacancies
- Read the latest Care Inspectorate Wales inspection reports
- View information about typical weekly costs.
If you are a Care Home provider the CareHomes.Wales website allows you to:
- Market your care home to the public and care professionals across Wales and beyond. There is no charge, and your basic information is automatically updated using information from your CIW registration
- Enhance your entry with photographs and details of the facilities your provide
Want to know more?
Visit CareHomes.Wales or contact the CareHomes.Wales project team on 029 2090 9500 or