Lead Organisation: Bangor University
North Wales Dementia Network
The North Wales Dementia Network was established with support from the Bangor University ESRC Impact Acceleration Account in 2016. The Network aims to share best practice, improve collaboration, and increase the impact of dementia research into practice across North Wales.
Experts in dementia came together – including people affected personally with dementia and a range of people working to support those diagnosed with dementia to live well with dementia in North Wales. It proved to be a stimulating and useful platform for sharing information and working with others passionate about making a positive contribution.
Bangor University dementia highlights and constructive plans
An evaluation is currently being conducted of new support from Cruse for people who have been diagnosed with dementia or offer them personal support
Two handbooks have been released this year that are the result of the labour of people with dementia sharing advice on how to increase resilience when living with the condition. There are now groups in Scotland alongside us.
Bangor University have worked with Merched y Wawr to translate and publish a handbook which talks about challenges for the senses in Dementia.
We provided members of a steering committee, made up of people living with dementia, the opportunity to present a ‘Dementia Friends’ awareness session to the University Executive in February.
We have also been recognized and shortlisted for the Dementia Friendly Diversity Awards 2021 (Wales) at the Association’s conference.