Want to play a key part in making decisions about Health and Social Care Services in North Wales?
Do you provide care for someone who has / needs care and support services?
If so, this might be for YOU!
The North Wales Regional Partnership Board is seeking to recruit a Carer representative onto its Board. This can be one person undertaking the whole role or two people can put in joint application if they wish to share the role.
We are looking to recruit Carer representative to join the Board from June 2023 for a term of 2 years.
The North Wales Regional Partnership Board has been established by the new Social Services and Well-being Act (2014) and aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in North Wales. This position is voluntary however, travel and subsistence costs will be paid.
If you are interested in finding out more about this exciting opportunity, please contact
Catrin Roberts Head of Regional Collaboration (Catrin.Roberts@denbighshire.gov.uk) 01824712521
Expressions of interest to be submitted to: Catrin.Roberts@denbighshire.gov.uk by Friday 19th May 2023.